Overcome hair fall. Hair fall or baldness can overcome with hot olive mixture, 1 tablespoon combine and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Dab in head and hushed by during about 15 minutes, afterwards just washed.
Toothache. Make mixture 1 cinnamon powder teaspoon and 5 honey teaspoons. Dab the ingredient at ill tooth. Usage of this ingredient 3 times one day every day until tooth desist pain
Lessen cholesterol rate. Mix 2 tablespoon combine and 3 mix cinnamon powder teaspoon in 16 ounce irrigate tea. This ingredient can lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 10% in 2 hours
Overcome head cold. Heavy and light head cold can be healed by 1 tablespoon combine and ¼ cinnamon powder teaspoon every day during 3 days. This ingredient can heal most of all coughing and chronic head cold and also clean sine.