Aug 8, 2009

The Miracle of Tea Jasmine

Jasmine tea is a kind of miraculous tea. It is believed that the health benefits of jasmine tea may better than green tea. Several studies have found jasmine tea lowers cholesterol levels. Other studies found that fruit flies lived 20% longer when jasmine tea was added to their drinking water.
jasmine tea is really a good option to herbal tea. By eliminating free radicals it prevents some forms of cancer, which also anti aging. It also connects with cholesterol and blocks it, decreases level of cholesterol in blood, as well as prevents bad cholesterol, caused by oxidation. The impact of jasmine tea on circulatory system is even more beneficial, since it is believed to prevent brain strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis and arterial sclerosis. It is good for diabetes prevention and reducing high blood pressure.
Jasmine tea heightened certain functions of the white blood cells in mice. Apart from such jasmine tea health benefits as prevention of cancer and heart diseases, drinking jasmine tea may fight fat.
Jasmine tea is really a kind of miraculous tea. Drinking jasmine tea has proved to be an effective means of lowering cholesterol and burning calories, as well as reducing body fat.
Other jasmine tea health benefits include the ability to reduce the risk of blood clot, prevent allergy, reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar, keep fluid balance, increase the immune system and provide oral care and fluoride that helps protect cavities and prevent tooth decay.

1 comment:

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