Jun 25, 2009

Take Care from Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is one of the disease befalling bones because decreasing mass and density of bone. Effect of osteoporosis is bones become breakable and brittle effect because decrease of density bone. Following which can suggestion apply in order not to Osteoporosis.
Consumption Calcium
Calcium is material of tooth and bone. In order to density of bone continue to awake, important to consume calcium that consist in milk. This matter can be done with adequate milk consumption at the young age, considering optimal absorption happened at this. After is old, high milk consumption not improved absorption of calcium for the forming of bone. Calcium requirement by every body is different, base on body weight and run activity. Because calcium cannot be yielded our body, hence important to drink milk and consume pregnant food of calcium. Besides milk, source of calcium can be obtained from fish, green vegetable like legume and spinach.
Vitamin D
In order to calcium can be permeated perfection, needed vitamin D which can be obtained from morning sunshine (around 06.00 until 09.00) and evening (after 16.00). In our body husk coat in fact there are vitamin D the non active and with sunshine radiation, vitamin D this earn active and good for body. Apart from sunshine, vitamin D also can be obtained from food like salmon, sardines, egg yolk, liver, milk, cheese, and milk product.
Besides consuming calcium, important to do sport regularly to be can strengthen bone and add density of bone mass. Same as muscle, bone also require to be trained to be can create strong bone. You earn trying by cycling, jogging, by foot or fluctuate doorstep.
Besides with consuming calcium, vitamin D and sport, will be more be good when you try healthy life by kicking a habit to smoke. Cigarette, coffee, alcohol, tea, and cola can pursue absorption of calcium.
Ok! Get your healthy bones with them and far away from Osteoporosis.

Jun 24, 2009

Factors Can Influence Your Body Health

Believe or not, sport is one of way to keep in good health body. However, it not yet enough made we remain to be healthy for along the life. Needs some ways to improve and keep in good health our body. Check here to stay healthy.

Consume high nutritious food. Fruits, vegetables, and also beans are best choice. This food type supply of energy, although in limited number.
Choose food taking care of body endurance. Like vegetable have green leaf, legume, other sea food and fish, and also flesh without fat. The foods are important for immunity of body, because containing many vitamins of E, B6, and zinc.
Food which can strengthen bone. Strength of bone, usually will decrease along increasing age it. Foods contains of milk very assisting to look after strength of bone.
Balance digestive channel. This organ is one this also decrease its endurance along increasing age. Habit of us eat is vital importance take care of its fitness. Try to consume 20-35 fibre grams every day. Source of fibre can be taken away from grist, cereal, legume, grist bread, fruit, and also vegetable
Keep in good health eye. If do not beware of disease of eye, like cataract, can attack you in old age. Some research mention cataract can be prevented by anti-oxide. Orange, tomato, carrot, potato, garlic, out of job, cabbage, and also soybean, representing the source of food which good to keeping in good health eye. Besides, the food type can make agelessly.
Lessen risk hit by heart sickness and cancer. Healthy food is importance in preventing risk hit by cancer. Limit pregnant food type of fat like fatty flesh, butter, and also conserved goods. Choose fruits and also vegetable rich of vitamin of B6, and also potassium
Take care of body weight. Besides take care of appearance, effort take care of important body weight also to degrade risk hit by heart sickness, arthritis, cancer, and other disease
Eat enough protein. Reserve protein into body can influence body endurance, and strength. Amount of suggested protein: minimize 50 protein grams per day for woman and 65 grams for man every day.
Considering usage of multivitamin
Nutrition requirement is importance to take care of endurance, especially when age start to bolt old. This matter is oftentimes disregarded, in consequence usage of considered competent multivitamin. More than anything else absorbent ability of nutrition, old progressively, on the wane. Extra calcium, vitamin E, and vitamin C also will assist to protect against the problem of cardiovascular
Don't forget Sport
Regular exercise can slow down process of aging. Thirty minutes every day within a week by walking, swimming, cycling, or aerobic are very importance keep in good health heart. Train strength of muscle like that will maintain, even improve muscle network. To prevent dehydration, please drink 8 glass of water every day.
So, get stay healthy!

Jun 20, 2009

Healthy with Jogging

Jogging is very benefit for everyone, especially for women health. For 30 minutes everyday, you can stay fit and healthy body. What can you get benefits from jogging? Check this…

Healthy Heart
In a study done by Duke University Medical Center, found that walking 30 minutes everyday can reduce metabolic syndrome, that is one of the cause of risk height hit by heart sickness, diabetes, and stroke. Meanwhile, research in English mentions that walking 30 minutes everyday can reduce heart sickness risk equal to 11%, especially to woman.

Reduce breast cancer risk
Publicized study in Journal American Medical Association, mentions that walking just several hours in week can reduce breast cancer risk. When walking, fat at woman will decrease and become the source of estrogen. In this study is concluded by 74 thousands natural woman of post-menopause which old age between 50-79 normal body weighing year, in the reality experience of degradation of breast cancer risk equal to 30%, and about 10-20% which is body overweight.

Make more deep sleep
National Sleep Foundation mentions that cracking in evening will make sleep more deep sleep. All experts say that to walk will improve serotonin hormone which is make you'd feel in deep sleep. However avoiding to walks two hours before sleep.

Reduce feel pain in bone or pain
Walking regular will make your body feel balmy caused by movement that happened at body, including movement of hand and most important is feet.

Make happy
Research by University of Texas mention that walking during 30 minutes every day can reduce depression and stress. Even University of Temple studies mention to walk 90 minutes during five times within a week can make you feel happier, because human being body produce endorphin, that making people become happy.

Make slender
Walking during 30 minutes everyday can lose weight body. Brownian University and University of Pittsburgh mention that woman which walk one hour during five days in one week and consume 1.500 calorie everyday, can lose weight body counted 11,3 kilograms in one year.

Look younger than your age
Some study which suggested old people to be more often walking because can reduce risk of alzheimer. Walking also make brain become actively.

Reduce osteoporosis risk
Walk during 30 minutes three times a week can prevent and reduce osteoporosis risk. Walk using 95% body muscle will make stronger bone to arrest body burden.
So, take 30 minutes everyday to walk and your body will stay fit and healthy!!

Jun 18, 2009

Healthy Foods to Keep Your Cholesterol

Health is one of the matter want by everyone. One of the healthy measuring is cholesterol rate in blood. So, to be healthy and protected from cholesterol, this food can become best choice to your body.
Soya Bean. Soya bean contains from 48 % protein, lecitin, and vitamin. Mineral and calcium on it can assist to shrink virulent fat rate (LDL) and improve good fat rate (HDL). Soya also can make healthy heart and ward off of diabetes.
Dry Fruit. Dry lemon is dry fruit which most salutary. Dry lemon is contains many flavanoid able to lessen rate of LDL so that can taper down heart attack risk.
Tuna. Not secret that tuna can help to build body healthy. Tuna is the source of omega fat acid 3, besides mackerel and salmon. Omega 3 protects body from make-up of cholesterol rate of LDL.
Peanut. Roasted peanut is rich vitamin E and healthy fat. Peanut avoid free radical in order not to destroy cholesterol of LDL and can avoid body of heart attack.
Mango. Vitamin of C in mango can prevent cholesterol of LDL in body.
Currant. Consumption 400 currant calorie every day can degrade cholesterol rate in blood counted 8 %.
Oat. Consume proven oat as salutary food and especial choice in diet program. Consume oat every morning can degrade cholesterol in blood. Fiber in oat can lessen pressure risk of heart attack.

So, if you want healthy heart and stay fit a long day, consume these foods above can help you to build your body health.

Jun 11, 2009

Detox with Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits are containing essential nutrition for health our body. Vitamins, mineral, fiber, amino acid, and enzyme are role essential on detox processing that can rope toxin and throw from our body. It means our body can be healthy.
Orange is fresh fruit contain vitamin C, strong antioksidan that keeps body from dangerous free radical and keep weel-preserved. Antioksidan is also help you reduce risk of cancer and heart attack and also increase iron. Lemon may be best of detox. Astringen antiseptic stimulate heart working and gall bladder. A glass of hot water and lemon extract is best method to start detox. Lemon extraction and fresh grapefruit stimulate digestion and your system body can healthy. Others, the extract of fruits is rich of beta-carotene, calsium, fosfor, and potassium also.
Apple, Pear, and Grape
Apple is contains of tartaric acid that increasing work of digestive system and heart cleansing. Pectin on the fruits prepared stable energy in fructose. If pear eating daily, can help you to get beautiful skin and sleek hair. Others, pear is also diuretic drugs and effective laxative. Grapes that consumption every day is effective detox. Grapes well tried can to ease constipation and help you to get by renal problem, heart, digestive system, and skin. The most effective grapes are vermouth and wine-red.
This fruit is squashy and aromatic can cleansing blood. This fruit is good also to renal system and digestive.
So, keep your health by fruits and you can get benefits.
Source: “Rahasia Alami Detoks” TraceKelly.

Healthy Tips on Your Office

Sometimes on your office make you forget of health. Every day, you must sit down for 8 hours and stay in front of computer. Too much of snack or junk food also a part on your day. Can you feel that is not good habit for health. So, you can follow the tips to get better healthy life.
Commonly, snack is the favorite things must be ready on your desk. Remember, not all of snack can increase your mood to do jobs. Snack can be more calorie that caused overweight. So, if you passion to eat, prepare fruits from home. This is contains of low calorie, rich of vitamins, and fiber better to stay full your stomach but not make you overweight.
Drink more of water (10 glass a day) will keep your body from dehydration. Make sure time to drink water, in the morning, before lunch, after lunch, and in the afternoon before you leave office.
Walking around in your office to break time. It can help you refresh and preventing from spasm. Lunch with right portion. Your food must can enough your need from hunger, not more and not less. Full of substance to your body, enough calorie, fat, protein, and fiber. But, not eat more food, because it can make you sleepy.
Use antiseptic on you. Why? Because keyboard, mouse, and telephone are microbe den. So, clean around you with antiseptic to keep you healthy.
To work in front of computer for a long time, please, overwrought on your eyes can reduce by zooming your font on computer screen.To phone operator, please use headset to do your job easy and prevent from spasm and headache.
Last but not least, take your holiday. It can make you be better feeling and avoid from stress.
Ok! You do your job to get money, but if you can’t keep healthy, it’s nonsense.

Jun 9, 2009

Healthy Eating: It’s Easy

Healthy eating is the time-tested advice of balance, variety, and moderation. In short, that means eating a wide variety of foods without getting too many calories or too much of any one nutrient. These tips can help you follow that advice while still enjoying the foods you eat.
1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods.
2. Eat moderate portions. Keep your portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy.
3. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
4. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them. Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary.
5. Balance your food choices over time. When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
6. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them and don't eat more.
Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.

Jun 8, 2009

Depression Symptoms - What Everyone Needs To Know

Depression may affect each of us at some time in our lives. It could be the result of a trauma, a loss of a loved one or some other traumatic event which will send us into a depression and the classic depression symptoms of loss of interest and incapacity to enjoy life will be present. The good news is that most of us can overcome this acute depression and bounce back. But many people suffer from chronic depression for many years and have to be treated with depression meds which will cause some nasty side effects.
Let us have a look at some figures to see how common this condition is and how it can coexist with many other conditions thereby complicating the diagnosis. A study carried out by the University of Hong Kong on the mental health of drug users found that about 62% were suffering from depression symptoms. Depression is also a common condition among veterans returning from war. About 20% of returning war veterans from Iran and Afghanistan are suffering from either PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or major depression. The most shocking figure here is that over 50% of these servicemen and women who are suffering from these conditions have not sought treatment.
The main symptoms of depression are a definite lowering of energy levels which leads to lethargy and loss of interest in all the things one normally does. This can be combined with low esteem, anxiety and increased difficulty on making decisions and getting things done. Insomnia, headaches and suicidal thoughts can also be depression symptoms.
Anti depressant medicines are all based on the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and nobody knows exactly how they work! What we do know is that they can cause loss of libido and weight gain which can be a disastrous combination in a relationship and wipe out any positive effects of the drugs. We seem to be replacing one set of main symptoms of depression with another which will only increase our anxiety and pessimism.
Because of the side effects of anti depressants such as Prozac and Tofranil, many patients with depression symptoms are seeking alternative treatments such as a natural herbal one which contains herbal ingredients such as St. John's Wort and Passion Flower extract (often called Nature's Prozac!) As there are no side effects and the overall mood improves, these natural medicines are becoming more and more popular.
by Robert William Locke

Jun 6, 2009

Stay Healthy with Your Mind

Almost of people get flu or fewer 6 times a year. It is usually think for some people, but not to for busy people that can attract their activities. So, how can we stay healthy for long time?
Many tips to stay your healthy: simple, easy, and you reach the benefit. The first, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, there are vitamins consist enough to absorb by your body can protect your immune system. Fiber on it can cleans your colon and fluent your body toxic and rubbish.
The seconds, increase your activity to do. It helps you make sure to stay fit and to keep away from virus. More activities will head more oxygen on your blood and cells, so your body can stay fit all of day.
The third, but must you do is think positive. Your mind will influence your life, so stay think happy struggle this life to more qualified life. If mind fell happy and full of energy your day must be better and you can stay healthy.
Keep smile in the morning, pray to your happy activities and get more health!

Jun 5, 2009

Can Homemade Hot Chocolate Make You Healthy

Have you ever used the terms hot cocoa and hot chocolate interchangeably? If so you are not alone. However, there is a distinctive difference in the two and one may just be healthy for you to sip on. So which is better for you and what is the reasoning for it?
Hot cocoa is actually healthier for you than hot chocolate because of what it is made from. Hot cocoa is made from raw cocoa powder, which is simply chocolate that has been pressed to remove the fat of the cocoa butter. Hot chocolate on the other hand is made from chocolate bars melted into a cream or ground into a powder.
The key is minimizing the sugar and fat content. If you can do this, it is possible to make healthy hot chocolate from scratch. But it can be difficult finding healthy hot chocolate on the market for this very reason.
More and more people are beginning to discover the nutritional benefits of cocoa beans and hot cocoa, especially when you make it at home. It has been found that the flavonols in chocolate are more powerful than many vitamins are, especially for cardiovascular health and anti aging. This does not mean that pigging out on chocolate will benefit you, but including sweets and chocolate to your diet a few times a month can actually extend your life.
If you want to make your own health hot cocoa, make sure to get pure cocoa powder. Anything else is just a joke and will not provide you with the nutritional benefits you are looking for. It is easy to identify because it is dark brown and has a bitter taste. Then add water or low fat milk to the powder and stir it up. Lastly, add a natural sweetener like honey or coconut palm sugar and you are on your way. There are a few commercially sold mixes that are organic and naturally sweetened, but read the labels carefully before you buy.
While hot cocoa is much healthier than hot chocolate, the key is to reducing the fat and sugar content and adding pure ingredients to the drink. Purchasing healthy hot chocolate that has pure cocoa powder and a natural, low glycemic sweetener can give you all of the nutritional benefits you are looking for while still allowing you to enjoy the enriching flavor. Your kids will love it and you will feel great giving it to them.
The next time you see hot cocoa and hot chocolate on the market, the safe bet is to go for the organic, naturally sweetened hot cocoa. It will provide you with a much healthier drink while still giving you the flavorful drink. However, look at the fat and sugar content in hot chocolate because reducing these two can give you a healthy hot chocolate drink full of antioxidants and flavenols.
by Darren Craddock

Jun 4, 2009

How to Colon Cleanse

When you decide to join the thousands of people who have started cleansing their colons, the first step is to decide which method to use. There are hundreds, if not thousands of products, as you will see when you research on line how to colon cleanse. There are individual products you can buy that have colon cleansing properties, or you can buy complete systems in a kit. An entire cleansing may last from anywhere from a few days to a month and the bathroom should be readily available to you during the entire cleansing.
Not everyone has the luxury of devoting a full month to cleansing their colon and being near the bathroom the whole time. Unfortunately, there are no products available that will cleanse your colon without producing a laxative affect to clean out the waste that is trapped in your colon. There are enemas that can be used at home and if you are cleansing your colon as a way to relieve constipation, this might be how you can colon cleanse without devoting a lot of time to the process. However, the enemas will only clean the lower third of the digestive tract and will not rid your body of parasites or toxins.
There is another approach to colon cleansing that doesn't require a lot of time in the bathroom but does require more money. Colonic hydrotherapy is performed in a clinic or spa where professionals will use warm, sterile water under low pressure inserted directly into the rectum. The water washes the colon out in either a closed or open system and in a couple of hours you are ready to go! You will probably require more than one treatment and they will be expensive in comparison to the products.
There are herbal teas available in colon cleanse kits or that you can buy separately to cleanse your colon and detoxify your body. Some people get these teas with natural colon cleansing qualities to drink at night before bedtime. They work like a laxative overnight and you will usually have a bowel movement immediately after you wake up. These teas can be very effective at colon cleansing and don't require your closeness to the bathroom all day long.
If you want to know how to colon cleanse in the way that will work best and all the time, then try doing it the natural way. Provide you body with the daily fiber it needs from raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains so that the colon continuously cleanses itself.
by David T Smith

Jun 3, 2009

Do Child Active

Childhood obesity is rising at an alarming rate, so we need to set an example for children with exercise and physical activities. Our children are profoundly affected by how we, as parents treat ourselves in every aspect and participating in fun activities is not only good for the heart and muscles but will improve self-esteem for everyone involved.
Some fun ways to workout with your kids are:
1. Kick around a soccer ball
2. Swimming
3. Fun runs
4. Bike Ride
5. Buy a kid friendly workout video and do it together
By participating in physical activities with your kids and also making a point of working out for yourself, your kids will learn the importance of staying active and will carry those lessons through their life if encouraged to do so by example.
Have fun together when thinking up new recipes and let the kids help make homemade snacks and desserts. When you make it yourself, it tastes better. Be mindful to include some things you are positive your kids will like, this will help them try something new in the future.

Jun 2, 2009

Burn Fat with Your Food

Important to check quality of your food. Food is qualified if your body need containing, such as carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber, and vitamins. Food ingredients and how the food cooking will give effect your metabolism. Not consider with your food, will make not good metabolism and make your body fat. And burn your fat soon..
Burn your fat and get it by this..
Eggs is rich in proteins and amino acids, vitamin B12, play important to burn fat. To concerned about your cholesterol, remove the yolks and eat only egg whites. Poach eggs to get it easy.
Oatmeal. Eat at least 1.7 ounces of steel cuts oats in the morning mixed with Blueberries and quarter teaspoon of honey. It is the combination of real food to increase metabolism and are in good taste!
Grain foods is contained of minerals and the food fiber. This foods help your fluent metabolism. The carbohydrate is enough to your energy, but not more.
Lean cuts of meat. Beef and elk contains more creatine in their natural form and you will feel more satisfied. Meat plus pepper and garlic is a good combination of foods to increase metabolism.
Beans are good sources of protein, fiber and iron. The most of bean can be cooked on a salad to complete the consistency of food. Be sure to cook your beans well because our digestive system is adapted to break down certain proteins in some of the beans.
The simple way to burn your fat is eat to your body needs but not to your mind wants.