Consumption Calcium
Calcium is material of tooth and bone. In order to density of bone continue to awake, important to consume calcium that consist in milk. This matter can be done with adequate milk consumption at the young age, considering optimal absorption happened at this. After is old, high milk consumption not improved absorption of calcium for the forming of bone. Calcium requirement by every body is different, base on body weight and run activity. Because calcium cannot be yielded our body, hence important to drink milk and consume pregnant food of calcium. Besides milk, source of calcium can be obtained from fish, green vegetable like legume and spinach.
Vitamin D
In order to calcium can be permeated perfection, needed vitamin D which can be obtained from morning sunshine (around 06.00 until 09.00) and evening (after 16.00). In our body husk coat in fact there are vitamin D the non active and with sunshine radiation, vitamin D this earn active and good for body. Apart from sunshine, vitamin D also can be obtained from food like salmon, sardines, egg yolk, liver, milk, cheese, and milk product.
Besides consuming calcium, important to do sport regularly to be can strengthen bone and add density of bone mass. Same as muscle, bone also require to be trained to be can create strong bone. You earn trying by cycling, jogging, by foot or fluctuate doorstep.
Besides with consuming calcium, vitamin D and sport, will be more be good when you try healthy life by kicking a habit to smoke. Cigarette, coffee, alcohol, tea, and cola can pursue absorption of calcium.
Ok! Get your healthy bones with them and far away from Osteoporosis.