Aug 8, 2009
The Miracle of Tea Jasmine
jasmine tea is really a good option to herbal tea. By eliminating free radicals it prevents some forms of cancer, which also anti aging. It also connects with cholesterol and blocks it, decreases level of cholesterol in blood, as well as prevents bad cholesterol, caused by oxidation. The impact of jasmine tea on circulatory system is even more beneficial, since it is believed to prevent brain strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis and arterial sclerosis. It is good for diabetes prevention and reducing high blood pressure.
Jasmine tea heightened certain functions of the white blood cells in mice. Apart from such jasmine tea health benefits as prevention of cancer and heart diseases, drinking jasmine tea may fight fat.
Jasmine tea is really a kind of miraculous tea. Drinking jasmine tea has proved to be an effective means of lowering cholesterol and burning calories, as well as reducing body fat.
Other jasmine tea health benefits include the ability to reduce the risk of blood clot, prevent allergy, reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar, keep fluid balance, increase the immune system and provide oral care and fluoride that helps protect cavities and prevent tooth decay.
Jul 31, 2009
Benefits of cinnamon (Part 1)
Overcome hair fall. Hair fall or baldness can overcome with hot olive mixture, 1 tablespoon combine and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Dab in head and hushed by during about 15 minutes, afterwards just washed.
Toothache. Make mixture 1 cinnamon powder teaspoon and 5 honey teaspoons. Dab the ingredient at ill tooth. Usage of this ingredient 3 times one day every day until tooth desist pain
Lessen cholesterol rate. Mix 2 tablespoon combine and 3 mix cinnamon powder teaspoon in 16 ounce irrigate tea. This ingredient can lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 10% in 2 hours
Overcome head cold. Heavy and light head cold can be healed by 1 tablespoon combine and ¼ cinnamon powder teaspoon every day during 3 days. This ingredient can heal most of all coughing and chronic head cold and also clean sine.
Jul 30, 2009
Easy Way to Against Your Flu
Flu can infect each and everyone and when even also. Need special easy tips to overcome flu? Try the way of following.
Evaporate Nose With Water Salt. Water Salt can ease cork in nose as well as removing virus particle and bacterium. Mix ¼ salt teaspoon and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda by 2 warm water liters. Drawing near nose and breath in its vapour.
Cover One Of Nostril And Breath In A Few Moments. Repeat 2-3 times, then change with the other nostril.
Warming Up And Rest. Striving body remain to heat and take a rest when have started to feel cold. This action can assist your body muster energy fight against virus.
Gargle. Gargle to represent effort damp itchy red lane and disappearing symptom is not delicious. Try to gargle with one mix salt teaspoon of warm water 4 times one day
Drink Warm Water. Warm water eliminate nose cork, preventing to dehydration and will eliminate to feel is not balmy and nose of throat
Dab relieved Breath under Nose. A little menthol will ease your breath and eliminate risk of irritation husk under your nose. Menthol, and eucalyptus of camphor, pregnant soft element able to eliminate to feel pain in nose.
Use Pillow below Your Head. This Matter will assist you eliminate to feel is not delicious at nose. Try to put down pillow rather high so that easy you breathe.
Jul 29, 2009
Herbal Therapy for Menopause
But many herbal therapy have been known to relieve menopausal symptoms. Here are some herbs therapies for menopause:
Evening primrose. This plant can be used to treat hot flashes, breast pain and bladder symptoms.
Peppermint, thyme, and rosemary. These herbs can be used for treating cold symptoms. It can be consumed by brewing them into tea and enjoying it with a spoonful of honey.
Ginseng. This is used for increasing/boosting the immune system functions and for relieving stress. The constant use of ginseng can help women improve their feeling of well-being.
Soy. Soy is a plant that contains estrogens for relieving menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes. Too much consumption of soy beans can be risky for women who have a history of estrogen dependent breast cancer; because huge amounts of soy and isoflavone supplements could interact with estrogen which in turn is quite harmful to its user.
Jul 26, 2009
Obesity and Cancer
Some reasons for this higher risk are known, one of them is obesity. Why?
1. Can influence diabetes. In some people, diabetes makes factor of heart attack risk.
2. Raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Lowers HDL "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is linked with lower heart disease and stroke risk, so reducing it tends to raise the risk.
3. Raises blood pressure levels.
4. Obesity also increases risk of heart disease. It also harms more than just the heart and blood vessel system.
Steps to Treat Cancer:
1. Keep healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity to risk lower.
2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
3. Avoid sugary drinks.
4. Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, and grains.
5. Limit consumption of meats.
6. Limit consumption of salty foods and food processed with salt.
7. Don't use supplements to protect against cancer.
Avoid cancer by maintain your healthy lifestyle. Keep healthy!!!
Jul 23, 2009
Citrus hystrix. To Skin Treatment
Part of used for medication is leaf and fruit. Its fruit can be used to overcome various diseases like influenza, body felt fatigue, head hair smell (to deodorize husk), scaly husk and flake. While its leaf can to overcome weak and worn-out body used up heavy pain.
To cure influenza, crosscut it which has cooked and is juiciness, then extort. Pour boiling water into water by 60 hot water cc, then drink at the same time whilst heat. To cure scaly husk and flake, split the fruit which have old become two shares. Last rub at scaly husk, run dry and easy to flake. Do once a day, at night before sleep.
While to overcome weak and tired body after striving, or [get over heavy pain, providing two grasping leaf which still is fresh. Then braise in three liters irrigate till boil or during 10 minute. Afterwards, pour into warm water and use for the bath.
Jul 22, 2009
Orange and Lime, Why Not?
Use to heal blood trouble because pile (hemorrhoids), healing fever, lessening acidity of blood, carry forward forming of urine and also arrange expenditure of bile dilution.
Sweet orangeade ingredient which added a few salt and peppercorn is cure digestive trouble. Add honey and salt to overcome disease of bronchitis, asthma, and catch a cold.
Sweet peel good to softening our husk and eradicate black spot. Braise peel so that boil, then filter, and drink whilst heat glass per day during three months.
Lime owning typical and keen aroma, containing juicy and vitamin C which high enough and also vitamin B1. Orange which commonly use for multifarious delicious of food, owning other benefit
Lime can assist to clean nicotine on mouth and tooth smoker
Lime to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids, menstrual spasmodically, pimple, vertigo (headache), throatiness, cough, adding passion eat, dandruff, too fat, tonsil, nosebleed
Lime also prevents relapsing of calcium calculus. Consumed lime gist after dinner is better by extorting two limes and mixing it in two water glasses. But, that thing have to in line with way of limiting salt consumption or briny food, and also consume low protein phosphate, and give calcium input which enough.
Delicious orange and lime, enjoy in your body health.
Jul 20, 2009
Health and Longevity
Research of foods is fast-paced and the results are exciting. The mystery of what foods can do for or to us has started to unveil. In order to effectively use foods for our health benefits, the following issues need to be considered:
1. Choice of foods is important: since healing power of a food is depending on the content of pharmacological active constituents that differ among foods, and certain foods may need to be avoided due to their disease encouraging activities
2. Try to use variety of whole foods as much as possible instead of isolated dietary supplements for your health problems
3. Overall nutritional values of foods
4. How do you prepare and eat your foods can affect their pharmacological effects
5. Keep up with the most recent scientific findings and make use of them for our health benefits
6. Concerns about multiple health conditions: foods that benefit one health condition may be harmful to others
Keep our health!!
Jul 17, 2009
Growth of food trend in world focused at four especial food areas that is food capable to create positive difference to human life in this time and in future that is
1. Food capable to improve health of cardiovascular. Get your oats every morning to eliminate your cholesterol and fat
2. Food awakening energy of mechanism natural body resilience. Eat food in enough size but fulfill your energy needs
3. Food able to improve health of woman, beauty and fitness. Habits to eat vegetables and fruit will make your skin shine and ideal weight.
4. Food able to improve status of nutrition child. Complete your nutrition child by combination the food above.
So, get your health!!
Jul 10, 2009
Anti Cholesterol Food
To protect from cholesterol problem, it is better start to consider healthy food anti-cholesterol. Follow the best food able to assist to degrade cholesterol and protect heart and also vein.
1. Mush Grist / oatmeal
Oatmeal consist of dissolve fiber (fiber soluble) capable to degrade cholesterol absorbtion in your digestion. Consuming 10 gram more dissolve fiber every day can degrade total rate LDL.
2. Bean of Walnuts
Various study show, consist of walnut many unsatiated fat acid duplicate (acids fatty polyunsaturated) which can make vein to be elastic and healthy. Almond have also benefit in degradation of cholesterol after consumed four weeks
3. Fish and fat acid of omega-3
Researching into many supporting benefit consume fish in degrading cholesterol because of fish rich omega-3. Omega-3 also support heart by degrading blood pressure and depress risk coagulation of blood.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is mixture of antioxidant potential able to depress cholesterol without bothering good cholesterol rate (HDL). Some researching suggest that effect of olive oil in degrading cholesterol will be more be big if you chosen extra-virgin olive oil.
Health with Eating Pattern Session 2
Know problem of your diet program. Improve your habit eating, recognize what wrong with your eating pattern. Then repair by accomodating requirement portion for your body
Lessen, non limiting portion eat. Each and everyone possible have favorite food, but not yet of course both for body. Better dine your favorite food sometime but remain to pay attention requirement of nutrition to your body.
Make change step by step. No instant program to make healthy body, need steps to reaching it. Start to lessen the amount of your favorite food and immediately fulfill the demand of nutrition requirement your body needs.
Arrange well-balanced weight body. Appropriate weight body to you is depends on many factors, including gender, body high, clan, and age. Start to reach well-balanced body weight by counting your BMI.
Exactly food consumption according to your nutrition requirement is the way of healthy life!!
Jul 8, 2009
Blueberry for Healthy Heart
Blueberry is useful for healthy heart. Eating blueberry especially in healthy diet program, can assist to lessen risk disease of cardiovascular, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and fatness. This matter is told by researcher team of
At Biological conference of experimental in
In its study,
The food is then passed to mouse. After done by perception during 90 day, Mitchell and team do not find and cholesterol of trigliserid dangerous at given by mouse is powder of blueberry. Given by mouse is powder of blueberry in the reality can use insulin in blood better.
Health with Eating Pattern
Eat nutrition foods. To get your body health is required 40 of nutrition. One food type cannot fulfill the demand absorb all type of nutrition. Everyday, you ought to must choose covering grain product, fruits, vegetable, milk product, flesh, fish, or food with other protein
Eat in competent size measure. The number of food which you eat ought to depended requirement of body calories or as according to your activity.
Eat regularly. Delaying time to eat will only make control feel hungry lose, but exactly to feel abundant hungry. Hungry moment, that mean you forget nutrition in your food. Snack among time to eat can assist you overcome to feel hungry, but don't eat snack over.
Your balancing food every time. Not all of foods have perfect. Your moment consumption food in high fat, sugar or salt, choose which its lowest materials. If you overcome this food group in one day, repair in next day.
Try tips above and await tips hereinafter from us. Stay health by arranging your eating pattern!!
Jul 6, 2009
Carrot Prevent Risk of Stroke
During the time society recognized carrot for the health of eyes because of content vitamin A is high. In body, existing beta carroten in carrot turned into vitamin A is important to take cares function of retina eye. Beta carroten on carrot is more than spinach. Progressively its orange, excelsior also its beta content of it.
Besides beta carroten, carrot also contain of antioxidant capable to protect body of possibility of cancer attack. Dominant other in this vegetable is acid fenolat. All researcher say, rate of antioxidant will increasing during one depository week in high temperature. Thereafter its rate will be down, but will not lower than raw carrot.
Research by Robertson, researcher of United States, show that consume carrot 200 grams every day during three weeks successively will lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 11 %. This enough have a meaning of because degradation just 1% cholesterol can lessen risk heart attack until 2 %. Hence, consuming carrot during three weeks successively can lessen risk heart attack until 22 %.
According to research, consuming carrot continues at least five times within a week also can depress risk stroke until 68 %. This compared to with them which only once, or even have never consumed carrot per month. Benefits prevent stroke because beta carroten activity prevent the happening of cholesterol hoard or plaque in vein. Beta carroten represent pigment most active if compared to gamma and alpha carroten. Usually beta carroten more knowledgeable as A provitamin to become vitamin A at small intestine wall
To get maximal benefits choose carrot which still is fresh, its husk refinement, and its colour which still is bold. To maintain its beta rate of him in order not to be down, carrot don't be pared but is enough rubbed or combed by a few/little. Except its husk have destroyed or ossify. Which is important to be paid attention process ripening of carrot to be existing content in it castaway is not useless. Stewed carrot and added by a number of oil / fat in the reality its rate will mount till one-third if compared to raw carrot.
Let’s get your healthy with carrot!!!
Benefits of Apple
Rich vitamins. Some vitamins which there are in apple for example vitamin of A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and C.
Rich minerals. Mineral in apple for example calcium, magnesium, potasium, ferrum, and zinc.
Rich fibre. Apple rich of fibre, so that good to one in diet program. It is caused by high fibre so that prevent hunger come quicker. Fibre is also less cholesterol and fat.
Tanin. Apple also have content of tanin. Tanin benefit to clean and refresh mouth, so that can prevent pyorrhea and tooth damage.
Flavoid. One of the apple content which good to prevent disease is flavoid. Flavoid can degrade cancer risk.
Acid of D-Glucaric. Is Acid of D-Glucaric that? Acid of D-Glucaric is able to degrade cholesterol rate.
Quercetin. Quercetin is able to increase rate of antioxidant so that body felt more health and prevent various disease.
Sour of tartar. In an apple also there are acid of tartar. Sour of tartar able to make healthy digestive channel, because this can kill existing bacterium in digestive channel
Apple is antioxidant to fight against free radical which come from environment or pollution. This is also to depress the amount of virulent cholesterol (LDL) able to cause embolism.
So, what you think about apple? It’s great fruit to your health and of course we earn to try to consume one apple every day. Keep healthy!!
Jun 25, 2009
Take Care from Osteoporosis
Consumption Calcium
Calcium is material of tooth and bone. In order to density of bone continue to awake, important to consume calcium that consist in milk. This matter can be done with adequate milk consumption at the young age, considering optimal absorption happened at this. After is old, high milk consumption not improved absorption of calcium for the forming of bone. Calcium requirement by every body is different, base on body weight and run activity. Because calcium cannot be yielded our body, hence important to drink milk and consume pregnant food of calcium. Besides milk, source of calcium can be obtained from fish, green vegetable like legume and spinach.
Vitamin D
In order to calcium can be permeated perfection, needed vitamin D which can be obtained from morning sunshine (around 06.00 until 09.00) and evening (after 16.00). In our body husk coat in fact there are vitamin D the non active and with sunshine radiation, vitamin D this earn active and good for body. Apart from sunshine, vitamin D also can be obtained from food like salmon, sardines, egg yolk, liver, milk, cheese, and milk product.
Besides consuming calcium, important to do sport regularly to be can strengthen bone and add density of bone mass. Same as muscle, bone also require to be trained to be can create strong bone. You earn trying by cycling, jogging, by foot or fluctuate doorstep.
Besides with consuming calcium, vitamin D and sport, will be more be good when you try healthy life by kicking a habit to smoke. Cigarette, coffee, alcohol, tea, and cola can pursue absorption of calcium.
Ok! Get your healthy bones with them and far away from Osteoporosis.
Jun 24, 2009
Factors Can Influence Your Body Health
Consume high nutritious food. Fruits, vegetables, and also beans are best choice. This food type supply of energy, although in limited number.
Choose food taking care of body endurance. Like vegetable have green leaf, legume, other sea food and fish, and also flesh without fat. The foods are important for immunity of body, because containing many vitamins of E, B6, and zinc.
Food which can strengthen bone. Strength of bone, usually will decrease along increasing age it. Foods contains of milk very assisting to look after strength of bone.
Balance digestive channel. This organ is one this also decrease its endurance along increasing age. Habit of us eat is vital importance take care of its fitness. Try to consume 20-35 fibre grams every day. Source of fibre can be taken away from grist, cereal, legume, grist bread, fruit, and also vegetable
Keep in good health eye. If do not beware of disease of eye, like cataract, can attack you in old age. Some research mention cataract can be prevented by anti-oxide. Orange, tomato, carrot, potato, garlic, out of job, cabbage, and also soybean, representing the source of food which good to keeping in good health eye. Besides, the food type can make agelessly.
Lessen risk hit by heart sickness and cancer. Healthy food is importance in preventing risk hit by cancer. Limit pregnant food type of fat like fatty flesh, butter, and also conserved goods. Choose fruits and also vegetable rich of vitamin of B6, and also potassium
Take care of body weight. Besides take care of appearance, effort take care of important body weight also to degrade risk hit by heart sickness, arthritis, cancer, and other disease
Eat enough protein. Reserve protein into body can influence body endurance, and strength. Amount of suggested protein: minimize 50 protein grams per day for woman and 65 grams for man every day.
Considering usage of multivitamin
Nutrition requirement is importance to take care of endurance, especially when age start to bolt old. This matter is oftentimes disregarded, in consequence usage of considered competent multivitamin. More than anything else absorbent ability of nutrition, old progressively, on the wane. Extra calcium, vitamin E, and vitamin C also will assist to protect against the problem of cardiovascular
Don't forget Sport
Regular exercise can slow down process of aging. Thirty minutes every day within a week by walking, swimming, cycling, or aerobic are very importance keep in good health heart. Train strength of muscle like that will maintain, even improve muscle network. To prevent dehydration, please drink 8 glass of water every day.
Jun 20, 2009
Healthy with Jogging
Healthy Heart
In a study done by Duke University Medical Center, found that walking 30 minutes everyday can reduce metabolic syndrome, that is one of the cause of risk height hit by heart sickness, diabetes, and stroke. Meanwhile, research in English mentions that walking 30 minutes everyday can reduce heart sickness risk equal to 11%, especially to woman.
Reduce breast cancer risk
Publicized study in Journal American Medical Association, mentions that walking just several hours in week can reduce breast cancer risk. When walking, fat at woman will decrease and become the source of estrogen. In this study is concluded by 74 thousands natural woman of post-menopause which old age between 50-79 normal body weighing year, in the reality experience of degradation of breast cancer risk equal to 30%, and about 10-20% which is body overweight.
Make more deep sleep
National Sleep Foundation mentions that cracking in evening will make sleep more deep sleep. All experts say that to walk will improve serotonin hormone which is make you'd feel in deep sleep. However avoiding to walks two hours before sleep.
Reduce feel pain in bone or pain
Walking regular will make your body feel balmy caused by movement that happened at body, including movement of hand and most important is feet.
Make happy
Research by University of Texas mention that walking during 30 minutes every day can reduce depression and stress. Even University of Temple studies mention to walk 90 minutes during five times within a week can make you feel happier, because human being body produce endorphin, that making people become happy.
Make slender
Walking during 30 minutes everyday can lose weight body. Brownian University and University of Pittsburgh mention that woman which walk one hour during five days in one week and consume 1.500 calorie everyday, can lose weight body counted 11,3 kilograms in one year.
Look younger than your age
Some study which suggested old people to be more often walking because can reduce risk of alzheimer. Walking also make brain become actively.
Reduce osteoporosis risk
Walk during 30 minutes three times a week can prevent and reduce osteoporosis risk. Walk using 95% body muscle will make stronger bone to arrest body burden.
So, take 30 minutes everyday to walk and your body will stay fit and healthy!!
Jun 18, 2009
Healthy Foods to Keep Your Cholesterol
Soya Bean. Soya bean contains from 48 % protein, lecitin, and vitamin. Mineral and calcium on it can assist to shrink virulent fat rate (LDL) and improve good fat rate (HDL). Soya also can make healthy heart and ward off of diabetes.
Dry Fruit. Dry lemon is dry fruit which most salutary. Dry lemon is contains many flavanoid able to lessen rate of LDL so that can taper down heart attack risk.
Tuna. Not secret that tuna can help to build body healthy. Tuna is the source of omega fat acid 3, besides mackerel and salmon. Omega 3 protects body from make-up of cholesterol rate of LDL.
Peanut. Roasted peanut is rich vitamin E and healthy fat. Peanut avoid free radical in order not to destroy cholesterol of LDL and can avoid body of heart attack.
Mango. Vitamin of C in mango can prevent cholesterol of LDL in body.
Currant. Consumption 400 currant calorie every day can degrade cholesterol rate in blood counted 8 %.
Oat. Consume proven oat as salutary food and especial choice in diet program. Consume oat every morning can degrade cholesterol in blood. Fiber in oat can lessen pressure risk of heart attack.
So, if you want healthy heart and stay fit a long day, consume these foods above can help you to build your body health.
Jun 11, 2009
Detox with Fresh Fruits
Orange is fresh fruit contain vitamin C, strong antioksidan that keeps body from dangerous free radical and keep weel-preserved. Antioksidan is also help you reduce risk of cancer and heart attack and also increase iron. Lemon may be best of detox. Astringen antiseptic stimulate heart working and gall bladder. A glass of hot water and lemon extract is best method to start detox. Lemon extraction and fresh grapefruit stimulate digestion and your system body can healthy. Others, the extract of fruits is rich of beta-carotene, calsium, fosfor, and potassium also.
Apple, Pear, and Grape
Apple is contains of tartaric acid that increasing work of digestive system and heart cleansing. Pectin on the fruits prepared stable energy in fructose. If pear eating daily, can help you to get beautiful skin and sleek hair. Others, pear is also diuretic drugs and effective laxative. Grapes that consumption every day is effective detox. Grapes well tried can to ease constipation and help you to get by renal problem, heart, digestive system, and skin. The most effective grapes are vermouth and wine-red.
This fruit is squashy and aromatic can cleansing blood. This fruit is good also to renal system and digestive.
So, keep your health by fruits and you can get benefits.
Source: “Rahasia Alami Detoks” TraceKelly.
Healthy Tips on Your Office
Drink more of water (10 glass a day) will keep your body from dehydration. Make sure time to drink water, in the morning, before lunch, after lunch, and in the afternoon before you leave office.
Walking around in your office to break time. It can help you refresh and preventing from spasm. Lunch with right portion. Your food must can enough your need from hunger, not more and not less. Full of substance to your body, enough calorie, fat, protein, and fiber. But, not eat more food, because it can make you sleepy.
Use antiseptic on you. Why? Because keyboard, mouse, and telephone are microbe den. So, clean around you with antiseptic to keep you healthy.
To work in front of computer for a long time, please, overwrought on your eyes can reduce by zooming your font on computer screen.To phone operator, please use headset to do your job easy and prevent from spasm and headache.
Last but not least, take your holiday. It can make you be better feeling and avoid from stress.
Ok! You do your job to get money, but if you can’t keep healthy, it’s nonsense.
Jun 9, 2009
Healthy Eating: It’s Easy
1. Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. You need food selection should include bread and other whole-grain products; fruits; vegetables; dairy products; and meat, poultry, fish and other protein foods.
2. Eat moderate portions. Keep your portion sizes reasonable, it's easier to eat the foods you want and stay healthy.
3. Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can lead to out-of-control hunger, often resulting in overeating. Snacking between meals can help curb hunger, but don't eat so much that your snack becomes an entire meal.
4. Reduce, don't eliminate certain foods. Most people eat for pleasure as well as nutrition. If your favorite foods are high in fat, salt or sugar, the key is moderating how much of these foods you eat and how often you eat them. Identify major sources of these ingredients in your diet and make changes, if necessary.
5. Balance your food choices over time. When eating a food high in fat, salt or sugar, select other foods that are low in these ingredients. If you miss out on any food group one day, make up for it the next. Your food choices over several days should fit together into a healthy pattern.
6. Know your diet pitfalls. To improve your eating habits, you first have to know what's wrong with them and don't eat more.
Remember, foods are not good or bad. Select foods based on your total eating patterns, not whether any individual food is "good" or "bad." Don't feel guilty if you love foods such as apple pie, potato chips, candy bars or ice cream. Eat them in moderation, and choose other foods to provide the balance and variety that are vital to good health.
Jun 8, 2009
Depression Symptoms - What Everyone Needs To Know
Let us have a look at some figures to see how common this condition is and how it can coexist with many other conditions thereby complicating the diagnosis. A study carried out by the University of Hong Kong on the mental health of drug users found that about 62% were suffering from depression symptoms. Depression is also a common condition among veterans returning from war. About 20% of returning war veterans from Iran and Afghanistan are suffering from either PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or major depression. The most shocking figure here is that over 50% of these servicemen and women who are suffering from these conditions have not sought treatment.
The main symptoms of depression are a definite lowering of energy levels which leads to lethargy and loss of interest in all the things one normally does. This can be combined with low esteem, anxiety and increased difficulty on making decisions and getting things done. Insomnia, headaches and suicidal thoughts can also be depression symptoms.
Anti depressant medicines are all based on the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and nobody knows exactly how they work! What we do know is that they can cause loss of libido and weight gain which can be a disastrous combination in a relationship and wipe out any positive effects of the drugs. We seem to be replacing one set of main symptoms of depression with another which will only increase our anxiety and pessimism.
Because of the side effects of anti depressants such as Prozac and Tofranil, many patients with depression symptoms are seeking alternative treatments such as a natural herbal one which contains herbal ingredients such as St. John's Wort and Passion Flower extract (often called Nature's Prozac!) As there are no side effects and the overall mood improves, these natural medicines are becoming more and more popular.
by Robert William Locke
Jun 6, 2009
Stay Healthy with Your Mind
Many tips to stay your healthy: simple, easy, and you reach the benefit. The first, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, there are vitamins consist enough to absorb by your body can protect your immune system. Fiber on it can cleans your colon and fluent your body toxic and rubbish.
The seconds, increase your activity to do. It helps you make sure to stay fit and to keep away from virus. More activities will head more oxygen on your blood and cells, so your body can stay fit all of day.
The third, but must you do is think positive. Your mind will influence your life, so stay think happy struggle this life to more qualified life. If mind fell happy and full of energy your day must be better and you can stay healthy.
Keep smile in the morning, pray to your happy activities and get more health!
Jun 5, 2009
Can Homemade Hot Chocolate Make You Healthy
Hot cocoa is actually healthier for you than hot chocolate because of what it is made from. Hot cocoa is made from raw cocoa powder, which is simply chocolate that has been pressed to remove the fat of the cocoa butter. Hot chocolate on the other hand is made from chocolate bars melted into a cream or ground into a powder.
The key is minimizing the sugar and fat content. If you can do this, it is possible to make healthy hot chocolate from scratch. But it can be difficult finding healthy hot chocolate on the market for this very reason.
More and more people are beginning to discover the nutritional benefits of cocoa beans and hot cocoa, especially when you make it at home. It has been found that the flavonols in chocolate are more powerful than many vitamins are, especially for cardiovascular health and anti aging. This does not mean that pigging out on chocolate will benefit you, but including sweets and chocolate to your diet a few times a month can actually extend your life.
If you want to make your own health hot cocoa, make sure to get pure cocoa powder. Anything else is just a joke and will not provide you with the nutritional benefits you are looking for. It is easy to identify because it is dark brown and has a bitter taste. Then add water or low fat milk to the powder and stir it up. Lastly, add a natural sweetener like honey or coconut palm sugar and you are on your way. There are a few commercially sold mixes that are organic and naturally sweetened, but read the labels carefully before you buy.
While hot cocoa is much healthier than hot chocolate, the key is to reducing the fat and sugar content and adding pure ingredients to the drink. Purchasing healthy hot chocolate that has pure cocoa powder and a natural, low glycemic sweetener can give you all of the nutritional benefits you are looking for while still allowing you to enjoy the enriching flavor. Your kids will love it and you will feel great giving it to them.
The next time you see hot cocoa and hot chocolate on the market, the safe bet is to go for the organic, naturally sweetened hot cocoa. It will provide you with a much healthier drink while still giving you the flavorful drink. However, look at the fat and sugar content in hot chocolate because reducing these two can give you a healthy hot chocolate drink full of antioxidants and flavenols.
Jun 4, 2009
How to Colon Cleanse
Not everyone has the luxury of devoting a full month to cleansing their colon and being near the bathroom the whole time. Unfortunately, there are no products available that will cleanse your colon without producing a laxative affect to clean out the waste that is trapped in your colon. There are enemas that can be used at home and if you are cleansing your colon as a way to relieve constipation, this might be how you can colon cleanse without devoting a lot of time to the process. However, the enemas will only clean the lower third of the digestive tract and will not rid your body of parasites or toxins.
There is another approach to colon cleansing that doesn't require a lot of time in the bathroom but does require more money. Colonic hydrotherapy is performed in a clinic or spa where professionals will use warm, sterile water under low pressure inserted directly into the rectum. The water washes the colon out in either a closed or open system and in a couple of hours you are ready to go! You will probably require more than one treatment and they will be expensive in comparison to the products.
There are herbal teas available in colon cleanse kits or that you can buy separately to cleanse your colon and detoxify your body. Some people get these teas with natural colon cleansing qualities to drink at night before bedtime. They work like a laxative overnight and you will usually have a bowel movement immediately after you wake up. These teas can be very effective at colon cleansing and don't require your closeness to the bathroom all day long.
If you want to know how to colon cleanse in the way that will work best and all the time, then try doing it the natural way. Provide you body with the daily fiber it needs from raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains so that the colon continuously cleanses itself.
by David T Smith
Jun 3, 2009
Do Child Active
Childhood obesity is rising at an alarming rate, so we need to set an example for children with exercise and physical activities. Our children are profoundly affected by how we, as parents treat ourselves in every aspect and participating in fun activities is not only good for the heart and muscles but will improve self-esteem for everyone involved.
Some fun ways to workout with your kids are:
1. Kick around a soccer ball
2. Swimming
3. Fun runs
4. Bike Ride
5. Buy a kid friendly workout video and do it together
By participating in physical activities with your kids and also making a point of working out for yourself, your kids will learn the importance of staying active and will carry those lessons through their life if encouraged to do so by example.
Have fun together when thinking up new recipes and let the kids help make homemade snacks and desserts. When you make it yourself, it tastes better. Be mindful to include some things you are positive your kids will like, this will help them try something new in the future.
Jun 2, 2009
Burn Fat with Your Food
Burn your fat and get it by this..
Eggs is rich in proteins and amino acids, vitamin B12, play important to burn fat. To concerned about your cholesterol, remove the yolks and eat only egg whites. Poach eggs to get it easy.
Oatmeal. Eat at least 1.7 ounces of steel cuts oats in the morning mixed with Blueberries and quarter teaspoon of honey. It is the combination of real food to increase metabolism and are in good taste!
Grain foods is contained of minerals and the food fiber. This foods help your fluent metabolism. The carbohydrate is enough to your energy, but not more.
Lean cuts of meat. Beef and elk contains more creatine in their natural form and you will feel more satisfied. Meat plus pepper and garlic is a good combination of foods to increase metabolism.
Beans are good sources of protein, fiber and iron. The most of bean can be cooked on a salad to complete the consistency of food. Be sure to cook your beans well because our digestive system is adapted to break down certain proteins in some of the beans.
The simple way to burn your fat is eat to your body needs but not to your mind wants.
May 31, 2009
Facts of Green Tea
One of the more exciting benefit of green tea is to help fight some forms of cancer. Though testing in it is still going on, it's been shown that some of the compounds found in green tea can act to halt the expansion of carcenogenic cells. Consumption of green tea can help therapy to patient of cancer.
Green tea can improve circulation and inhibit the formation of blood clots, making it especially good for the heart system. Lower cholesterol of green tea can help the body to burn fat and effective to diet with drink water and do exercise regurally.
The more you can do to keep your body healthy, the better off you will be in the future and the more you will be in a position to appreciate green tea benefits. Green tea is an example of nature's little strategies, but the secret is out.
So don't doubt, do your body a favor and use the power of green tea today and keep in smile.
May 29, 2009
Body Detoxing
There are a number of ways you can detox your body and while some may be more appetizing or easier than others, you might want to experiment a bit to find the best solutions that fit your body and lifestyle. Change your eating habits and choose healthier foods for a diet full of natural and organic items. Keep away from sugars, they are not only toxic but also add many extra pounds to your body. Make sure you get healthy doses of vitamins and minerals in addition to antioxidants that are heart healthy and boost energy and metabolism. Drinking several glass of water per day can detox your body as well.
Deep breathing exercises bring higher levels of oxygen to your body and are a great addition in the process to detox your body. Water therapy is a great way to detox your body whether it is alternating hot and cold showers for a period of time. An ionized water foot spa can work to draw out the toxins through the pores using ionized water.
Reducing stress is another great way you can detox your body and it is also one of the hardest to do. Meditation, biofeedback, imagery and yoga are just a few ways to detox your body and help reduce the stress in your life. Not every solution works may work for you, allowing enough time to see which ones will work. Get your healthy life with smile!
May 27, 2009
Stay Fun in the Sun
UV rays cause oxidative damage and can actually change the skin's DNA cellular structure, creating highly unstable and toxic molecules. These are known as free radicals and can lead to malignancies. Sunscreen, adequate coverage and sunglasses have long been recommended to avoid this damage, but diverse studies now suggest some promising supplemental strategies for UV protection from the inside out. Certain nutrients and a low-fat diet have shown specific anti-cancer properties.
Free Radical Control Antioxidants have long been known to neutralize free radicals and render them inactive, protecting cellular structure. Powerful antioxidants include vitamin C (citrus fruits, strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes), vitamin E (asparagus, raw nuts and seeds, spinach), beta-carotene (yellow and orange vegetables) as well as the minerals zinc (shell fish, legumes, whole-grain foods) and selenium (nuts, whole-wheat bread, oatmeal). Plant pigments found in predominately green leafy vegetables, also have strong antioxidant properties that diminish the effects of UV irradiation by reducing the acute inflammatory responses. Lutein and zeaxanthin-rich foods include green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli and turnips as well as corn and egg yolks.
Consumption of green tea and topical application afford protection against skin tumors. More recent research corroborates these results and points to the polyphenols in green tea, which contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, one major element in green tea, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), is thought to stop production of an enzyme required for cancer cell growth. Several cups of green tea might be a worthwhile addition to your daily routine.
Index Even is helpful to counteract damage to your skin through nutrition, it remains vital to shield yourself from the sun's invisible UV rays and avoid them when they're at their most intense. The UV Index, a measurement of ultra-violet sun radiation, can assist in protecting you from potentially harmful exposure. This forecast of UV intensity ranges from a nighttime low of 0 to a very sunny 10-plus. It is greatest when the sun hits its apex (noon), then rapidly decreases as the sun moves across the afternoon sky. The higher the UV Index, the shorter the time for skin damage to occur.
And don't forget common sense practices: avoid long-term sun exposure and wear a hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing apply sunscreen with SPF of 30 or above avoid artificial tanning devices and be aware of sun exposure year-round With a few protective measures, you can continue to enjoy fun in the sun safely. Wear your sunscreen--in the winter months as well as the summer--seek shade, cover up with sleeves and pants, and don't forget your hat!
May 23, 2009
Beauty from Your Exercise
Physical exercise is beneficial because it helps maintain and improve ones health from a variety of diseases and premature death. It also makes a person feel happier and increases ones self esteem preventing one from falling into depression or anxiety. It has also shown that a person with an active lifestyle lives longer than a person who doesn't.
The best exercise plan should have cardiovascular and weight training exercises. This helps burn calories and increase the muscle to fat ratio that will increase ones metabolism and make one either gain or lose weight. A person who has never worked out before should do it gradually. Doing too much for the first time can make one pull a muscle or have an injury making it worse. Endurance will never be built in a day and doing it repeatedly will surely be good for the person.
But beauty is not only about having muscles which people can see. It is also about enhancing the beauty within. There are some things one can do everyday to stay beautiful and healthy:
Reading books and other reading material more often keeps the mind sharp just like working out keeps the body in shape
Taking the time out to do something special like travelling, shopping, or watching a movie
Put some form of protection such as antioxidants
Avoid smoking and drink
Stay away from smokers
Start the day with a positive outlook
Hopes them can makes you feel happier. When you wake up, decided to be happy and enjoy the day ahead and your mood goes a long way in determining how attractive or unattractive you are to others. Keep smiling…
May 13, 2009
Smoking: Damage Your Body
Nicotine is addictive and cigarettes are habit forming. Every year more and more adults and kids are smoking do because there friends are doing it, because it makes them feel better at the moment. The feel good usually does not last long. These smoking can kill you, sometimes over time or if a lot is in the system, it can kill you fast, your life gone. Cigarettes need to be discussed as well because this is nothing they need to do either.
You might get a day or so of quit time out of nicotine (think placebo effect) but soon enough, you're ripping nicotine patches off to smoke. Or, worse, you're smoking with the patch on (which is worse than smoking by itself!) The main reason why nicotine patches don't work is evidenced by how people still want to smoke while they're wearing them.
In order to properly quit smoking, you need to break your mental ties to smoking, not medicate yourself with a bunch of supplements and other silliness.
May 12, 2009
Aromatherapy Fragrances For your Home & Workplace
If you are trying to uplift your study or office, to get rid of the stuffy feeling, then I would try some of these oils. Basil, rosemary, bergamot or lemon.
Using a vaporizer or burner in the living/lounge room can add a fragrance that can help to prevent ill-health, can balance your emotions and of cause disguise those unwelcome smells that can occur.
In the bedroom for a peaceful night sleep try burning, Rose, neroli and lavender oils to create some atmosphere. If you are having visitors and your spare room hasn't been used for a while try using lavender to get rid of that musty smell.
To get rid of insects try putting Tea tree, eucalyptus, or lemongrass in a vaporizer. And to keep insects off your clothes in your cupboard, place a drop of oil onto a cotton ball and put in your draw or cupboard.
If someone is sick in the home, try vaporizing Tea tree, bergamot, lemon and lavender, all these essential oils have excellent antiseptic properties. You can also wipe down your bathroom using a damp cloth with a few drops of one of these essential oils on it to disinfect it.
If you're having a party for a "feel good" atmosphere you could use clary sage or jasmine. Or for a Big Festive effect, blend oils like frankincense, sandalwood, cinnamon or orange.
If you want to make a spray bottle for, disinfectants, air fresheners or insect repellent these are all make the same but different essential oils are used for each. Put 250mls of boiled water (cooled) into a spray bottle and add the blend of oils which you want to use, put the lid on shake and keep in the fridge until you want to use it and then just spray the mist into the air. My favorite air freshener is 7.5mls rose, 2.5mls orange and 2.5mls clove, this gives a lovely floral smell, or just creates your own. My favorite disinfectant I use around the home is, 5mls eucalyptus, 2.5mls tea tree oil, 2.5mls of lemon, 1.5mls clove and 10 drops of cinnamon. For our Insect repellent we use the following essential oils, 5mls eucalyptus, 1.5mls of citronella, 1.5mls of geranium, and 10 drops of peppermint, I find that that blend keeps the insects away. (by Lyn Menzies)