Jun 6, 2009

Stay Healthy with Your Mind

Almost of people get flu or fewer 6 times a year. It is usually think for some people, but not to for busy people that can attract their activities. So, how can we stay healthy for long time?
Many tips to stay your healthy: simple, easy, and you reach the benefit. The first, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, there are vitamins consist enough to absorb by your body can protect your immune system. Fiber on it can cleans your colon and fluent your body toxic and rubbish.
The seconds, increase your activity to do. It helps you make sure to stay fit and to keep away from virus. More activities will head more oxygen on your blood and cells, so your body can stay fit all of day.
The third, but must you do is think positive. Your mind will influence your life, so stay think happy struggle this life to more qualified life. If mind fell happy and full of energy your day must be better and you can stay healthy.
Keep smile in the morning, pray to your happy activities and get more health!

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