Jul 31, 2009

Benefits of cinnamon (Part 1)

Cinnamon useful in your cookery recipe. But do you knows, cinnamon more than simply ripe flavour? Check the other below.
Overcome hair fall. Hair fall or baldness can overcome with hot olive mixture, 1 tablespoon combine and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Dab in head and hushed by during about 15 minutes, afterwards just washed.
Toothache. Make mixture 1 cinnamon powder teaspoon and 5 honey teaspoons. Dab the ingredient at ill tooth. Usage of this ingredient 3 times one day every day until tooth desist pain
Lessen cholesterol rate. Mix 2 tablespoon combine and 3 mix cinnamon powder teaspoon in 16 ounce irrigate tea. This ingredient can lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 10% in 2 hours
Overcome head cold. Heavy and light head cold can be healed by 1 tablespoon combine and ¼ cinnamon powder teaspoon every day during 3 days. This ingredient can heal most of all coughing and chronic head cold and also clean sine.

Jul 30, 2009

Easy Way to Against Your Flu

Flu can infect each and everyone and when even also. Need special easy tips to overcome flu? Try the way of following.

Evaporate Nose With Water Salt. Water Salt can ease cork in nose as well as removing virus particle and bacterium. Mix ¼ salt teaspoon and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda by 2 warm water liters. Drawing near nose and breath in its vapour.

Cover One Of Nostril And Breath In A Few Moments. Repeat 2-3 times, then change with the other nostril.

Warming Up And Rest. Striving body remain to heat and take a rest when have started to feel cold. This action can assist your body muster energy fight against virus.

Gargle. Gargle to represent effort damp itchy red lane and disappearing symptom is not delicious. Try to gargle with one mix salt teaspoon of warm water 4 times one day

Drink Warm Water. Warm water eliminate nose cork, preventing to dehydration and will eliminate to feel is not balmy and nose of throat

Dab relieved Breath under Nose. A little menthol will ease your breath and eliminate risk of irritation husk under your nose. Menthol, and eucalyptus of camphor, pregnant soft element able to eliminate to feel pain in nose.

Use Pillow below Your Head. This Matter will assist you eliminate to feel is not delicious at nose. Try to put down pillow rather high so that easy you breathe.

Jul 29, 2009

Herbal Therapy for Menopause

Menopause is the stop working of child bearing capabilities of the woman and their bodies do not produce enough amounts of the estrogen and progesterone hormones. Many women have to go through uncomfortable menopausal symptoms; some of them have used orthodox drugs all to no avail.
But many herbal therapy have been known to relieve menopausal symptoms.
Here are some herbs therapies for menopause:
Evening primrose
. This plant can be used to treat hot flashes, breast pain and bladder symptoms.
Peppermint, thyme, and rosemary. These herbs can be used for treating cold symptoms. It can be consumed by brewing them into tea and enjoying it with a spoonful of honey.
. This is used for increasing/boosting the immune system functions and for relieving stress. The constant use of ginseng can help women improve their feeling of well-being.

. Soy is a plant that contains estrogens for relieving menopausal symptoms such as night sweats and hot flashes. Too much consumption of soy beans can be risky for women who have a history of estrogen dependent breast cancer; because huge amounts of soy and isoflavone supplements could interact with estrogen which in turn is quite harmful to its user.

Jul 26, 2009

Obesity and Cancer

There are many factors can risks a cancer. Over body weight was shown to be one of the main factor of several types of cancers.
Some reasons for this higher risk are known, one of them is obesity. Why?
1. Can influence diabetes. In some people, diabetes makes factor of heart attack risk.
2. Raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Lowers HDL "good" cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is linked with lower heart disease and stroke risk, so reducing it tends to raise the risk.
3. Raises blood pressure levels.
4. Obesity also increases risk of heart disease. It also harms more than just the heart and blood vessel system.
Steps to Treat Cancer:
1. Keep healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity to risk lower.
2. Be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
3. Avoid sugary drinks.
4. Eat more of a variety of vegetables, fruits, and grains.
5. Limit consumption of meats.
6. Limit consumption of salty foods and food processed with salt.
7. Don't use supplements to protect against cancer.

Avoid cancer by maintain your healthy lifestyle. Keep healthy!!!

Jul 23, 2009

Citrus hystrix. To Skin Treatment

This plant is useful to heal various diseases. Its leaf is use as refresher. The fruit husk is use as smelling typically aromatic felt rather briny, and in process of time rather bitter. The leafs is contains steroid of triterpenoid. Where as its fruit husk contain of saponin, tanin, steroid of triterpenoid and citrus.
Part of used for medication is leaf and fruit. Its fruit can be used to overcome various diseases like influenza, body felt fatigue, head hair smell (to deodorize husk), scaly husk and flake. While its leaf can to overcome weak and worn-out body used up heavy pain.
To cure influenza, crosscut it which has cooked and is juiciness, then extort. Pour boiling water into water by 60 hot water cc, then drink at the same time whilst heat. To cure scaly husk and flake, split the fruit which have old become two shares. Last rub at scaly husk, run dry and easy to flake. Do once a day, at night before sleep.
While to overcome weak and tired body after striving, or [get over heavy pain, providing two grasping leaf which still is fresh. Then braise in three liters irrigate till boil or during 10 minute. Afterwards, pour into warm water and use for the bath.

Jul 22, 2009

Orange and Lime, Why Not?

Fruits are benefit to health and body fit, for example are orange and lime as source of vitamin C.
Use to heal blood trouble because pile (hemorrhoids), healing fever, lessening acidity of blood, carry forward forming of urine and also arrange expenditure of bile dilution.
Sweet orangeade ingredient which added a few salt and peppercorn is cure digestive trouble. Add honey and salt to overcome disease of bronchitis, asthma, and catch a cold.
Sweet peel good to softening our husk and eradicate black spot. Braise peel so that boil, then filter, and drink whilst heat glass per day during three months.
Lime owning typical and keen aroma, containing juicy and vitamin C which high enough and also vitamin B1. Orange which commonly use for multifarious delicious of food, owning other benefit
Lime can assist to clean nicotine on mouth and tooth smoker
Lime to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids, menstrual spasmodically, pimple, vertigo (headache), throatiness, cough, adding passion eat, dandruff, too fat, tonsil, nosebleed
Lime also prevents relapsing of calcium calculus. Consumed lime gist after dinner is better by extorting two limes and mixing it in two water glasses. But, that thing have to in line with way of limiting salt consumption or briny food, and also consume low protein phosphate, and give calcium input which enough.
Delicious orange and lime, enjoy in your body health.

Jul 20, 2009

Health and Longevity

Eating is one the most important events in everyone’s life. Eating is the hottest universal topic of all times. Eating is a mystery that our modern scientists are trying to solve.

Research of foods is fast-paced and the results are exciting. The mystery of what foods can do for or to us has started to unveil. In order to effectively use foods for our health benefits, the following issues need to be considered:
1. Choice of foods is important: since healing power of a food is depending on the content of pharmacological active constituents that differ among foods, and certain foods may need to be avoided due to their disease encouraging activities
2. Try to use variety of whole foods as much as possible instead of isolated dietary supplements for your health problems
3. Overall nutritional values of foods
4. How do you prepare and eat your foods can affect their pharmacological effects
5. Keep up with the most recent scientific findings and make use of them for our health benefits
6. Concerns about multiple health conditions: foods that benefit one health condition may be harmful to others
Keep our health!!

Jul 17, 2009


Healthy life style is in society owning level life of high social and economics. Healthy life style many its variation, but in general cover some factor following: sufficiency of athletics, positive perception, consuming healthy food regularly and with well-balanced nutrition, enough take a rest and also can maintain ideal weight.
Growth of food trend in world focused at four especial food areas that is food capable to create positive difference to human life in this time and in future that is
1. Food capable to improve health of cardiovascular. Get your oats every morning to eliminate your cholesterol and fat
2. Food awakening energy of mechanism natural body resilience. Eat food in enough size but fulfill your energy needs
3. Food able to improve health of woman, beauty and fitness. Habits to eat vegetables and fruit will make your skin shine and ideal weight.
4. Food able to improve status of nutrition child. Complete your nutrition child by combination the food above.
So, get your health!!

Jul 10, 2009

Anti Cholesterol Food

Food is important in influencing blood cholesterol rate. Progressively pattern goodness and food quality, hence more awake also cholesterol balance and health.
To protect from cholesterol problem, it is better start to consider healthy food anti-cholesterol. Follow the best food able to assist to degrade cholesterol and protect heart and also vein.
1. Mush Grist / oatmeal
Oatmeal consist of dissolve fiber (fiber soluble) capable to degrade cholesterol absorbtion in your digestion. Consuming 10 gram more dissolve fiber every day can degrade total rate LDL.
2. Bean of Walnuts
Various study show, consist of walnut many unsatiated fat acid duplicate (acids fatty polyunsaturated) which can make vein to be elastic and healthy. Almond have also benefit in degradation of cholesterol after consumed four weeks
3. Fish and fat acid of omega-3
Researching into many supporting benefit consume fish in degrading cholesterol because of fish rich omega-3. Omega-3 also support heart by degrading blood pressure and depress risk coagulation of blood.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is mixture of antioxidant potential able to depress cholesterol without bothering good cholesterol rate (HDL). Some researching suggest that effect of olive oil in degrading cholesterol will be more be big if you chosen extra-virgin olive oil.

Health with Eating Pattern Session 2

This tips is recommended to complete your eating and stay health. Check this.

Know problem of your diet program. Improve your habit eating, recognize what wrong with your eating pattern. Then repair by accomodating requirement portion for your body
Lessen, non limiting portion eat. Each and everyone possible have favorite food, but not yet of course both for body. Better dine your favorite food sometime but remain to pay attention requirement of nutrition to your body.
Make change step by step. No instant program to make healthy body, need steps to reaching it. Start to lessen the amount of your favorite food and immediately fulfill the demand of nutrition requirement your body needs.
Arrange well-balanced weight body. Appropriate weight body to you is depends on many factors, including gender, body high, clan, and age. Start to reach well-balanced body weight by counting your BMI.
Exactly food consumption according to your nutrition requirement is the way of healthy life!!

Jul 8, 2009

Blueberry for Healthy Heart

Blueberry is useful for healthy heart. Eating blueberry especially in healthy diet program, can assist to lessen risk disease of cardiovascular, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and fatness. This matter is told by researcher team of University of Michigan " We see all the disease related to become trigger of heart sickness," that way say one of the researcher, Mitchell Seymour.

At Biological conference of experimental in New Orleans, Seymour tell content of fito-chemist high natural in fruit of blueberry yield of antioxidant so called of anto-ciamin. This antioxidant can assist to keep in good health them which consuming blueberry.

In its study, Seymour along with its team test this blueberry at natural mouse of fatness. Previous, they extract blueberry and drying it. Then they perceive effect giving of powder of blueberry to food with low and high fat rate.

The food is then passed to mouse. After done by perception during 90 day, Mitchell and team do not find and cholesterol of trigliserid dangerous at given by mouse is powder of blueberry. Given by mouse is powder of blueberry in the reality can use insulin in blood better.

Health with Eating Pattern

Everyone wish to experience healthy life of spirit and body. One way of reaching for healthy life is consumption eating pattern with well-balanced nutrition. There are 4 tips which can follow to get healthy body.

Eat nutrition foods. To get your body health is required 40 of nutrition. One food type cannot fulfill the demand absorb all type of nutrition. Everyday, you ought to must choose covering grain product, fruits, vegetable, milk product, flesh, fish, or food with other protein
Eat in competent size measure. The number of food which you eat ought to depended requirement of body calories or as according to your activity.
Eat regularly. Delaying time to eat will only make control feel hungry lose, but exactly to feel abundant hungry. Hungry moment, that mean you forget nutrition in your food. Snack among time to eat can assist you overcome to feel hungry, but don't eat snack over.
Your balancing food every time. Not all of foods have perfect. Your moment consumption food in high fat, sugar or salt, choose which its lowest materials. If you overcome this food group in one day, repair in next day.
Try tips above and await tips hereinafter from us. Stay health by arranging your eating pattern!!

Jul 6, 2009

Carrot Prevent Risk of Stroke

Carrot is vegetable which is easy to be met in various place. Its orange differentiate it with other.
During the time society recognized carrot for the health of eyes because of content vitamin A is high. In body, existing beta carroten in carrot turned into vitamin A is important to take cares function of retina eye. Beta carroten on carrot is more than spinach. Progressively its orange, excelsior also its beta content of it.
Besides beta carroten, carrot also contain of antioxidant capable to protect body of possibility of cancer attack. Dominant other in this vegetable is acid fenolat. All researcher say, rate of antioxidant will increasing during one depository week in high temperature. Thereafter its rate will be down, but will not lower than raw carrot.
Research by Robertson, researcher of United States, show that consume carrot 200 grams every day during three weeks successively will lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 11 %. This enough have a meaning of because degradation just 1% cholesterol can lessen risk heart attack until 2 %. Hence, consuming carrot during three weeks successively can lessen risk heart attack until 22 %.
According to research, consuming carrot continues at least five times within a week also can depress risk stroke until 68 %. This compared to with them which only once, or even have never consumed carrot per month. Benefits prevent stroke because beta carroten activity prevent the happening of cholesterol hoard or plaque in vein. Beta carroten represent pigment most active if compared to gamma and alpha carroten. Usually beta carroten more knowledgeable as A provitamin to become vitamin A at small intestine wall
To get maximal benefits choose carrot which still is fresh, its husk refinement, and its colour which still is bold. To maintain its beta rate of him in order not to be down, carrot don't be pared but is enough rubbed or combed by a few/little. Except its husk have destroyed or ossify. Which is important to be paid attention process ripening of carrot to be existing content in it castaway is not useless. Stewed carrot and added by a number of oil / fat in the reality its rate will mount till one-third if compared to raw carrot.
Let’s get your healthy with carrot!!!

Benefits of Apple

Apple, this fruit is easy to get. Research tells that in one believed just apple to have many benefits to body. What kind of apple content? And benefit can be obtained from an apple? Check this…
Rich vitamins. Some vitamins which there are in apple for example vitamin of A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and C.
Rich minerals. Mineral in apple for example calcium, magnesium, potasium, ferrum, and zinc.
Rich fibre. Apple rich of fibre, so that good to one in diet program. It is caused by high fibre so that prevent hunger come quicker. Fibre is also less cholesterol and fat.
Tanin. Apple also have content of tanin. Tanin benefit to clean and refresh mouth, so that can prevent pyorrhea and tooth damage.
Flavoid. One of the apple content which good to prevent disease is flavoid. Flavoid can degrade cancer risk.
Acid of D-Glucaric. Is Acid of D-Glucaric that? Acid of D-Glucaric is able to degrade cholesterol rate.
Quercetin. Quercetin is able to increase rate of antioxidant so that body felt more health and prevent various disease.
Sour of tartar. In an apple also there are acid of tartar. Sour of tartar able to make healthy digestive channel, because this can kill existing bacterium in digestive channel
Apple is antioxidant to fight against free radical which come from environment or pollution. This is also to depress the amount of virulent cholesterol (LDL) able to cause embolism.
So, what you think about apple? It’s great fruit to your health and of course we earn to try to consume one apple every day. Keep healthy!!