Jul 6, 2009

Carrot Prevent Risk of Stroke

Carrot is vegetable which is easy to be met in various place. Its orange differentiate it with other.
During the time society recognized carrot for the health of eyes because of content vitamin A is high. In body, existing beta carroten in carrot turned into vitamin A is important to take cares function of retina eye. Beta carroten on carrot is more than spinach. Progressively its orange, excelsior also its beta content of it.
Besides beta carroten, carrot also contain of antioxidant capable to protect body of possibility of cancer attack. Dominant other in this vegetable is acid fenolat. All researcher say, rate of antioxidant will increasing during one depository week in high temperature. Thereafter its rate will be down, but will not lower than raw carrot.
Research by Robertson, researcher of United States, show that consume carrot 200 grams every day during three weeks successively will lessen cholesterol rate in blood until 11 %. This enough have a meaning of because degradation just 1% cholesterol can lessen risk heart attack until 2 %. Hence, consuming carrot during three weeks successively can lessen risk heart attack until 22 %.
According to research, consuming carrot continues at least five times within a week also can depress risk stroke until 68 %. This compared to with them which only once, or even have never consumed carrot per month. Benefits prevent stroke because beta carroten activity prevent the happening of cholesterol hoard or plaque in vein. Beta carroten represent pigment most active if compared to gamma and alpha carroten. Usually beta carroten more knowledgeable as A provitamin to become vitamin A at small intestine wall
To get maximal benefits choose carrot which still is fresh, its husk refinement, and its colour which still is bold. To maintain its beta rate of him in order not to be down, carrot don't be pared but is enough rubbed or combed by a few/little. Except its husk have destroyed or ossify. Which is important to be paid attention process ripening of carrot to be existing content in it castaway is not useless. Stewed carrot and added by a number of oil / fat in the reality its rate will mount till one-third if compared to raw carrot.
Let’s get your healthy with carrot!!!

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