Jul 10, 2009

Anti Cholesterol Food

Food is important in influencing blood cholesterol rate. Progressively pattern goodness and food quality, hence more awake also cholesterol balance and health.
To protect from cholesterol problem, it is better start to consider healthy food anti-cholesterol. Follow the best food able to assist to degrade cholesterol and protect heart and also vein.
1. Mush Grist / oatmeal
Oatmeal consist of dissolve fiber (fiber soluble) capable to degrade cholesterol absorbtion in your digestion. Consuming 10 gram more dissolve fiber every day can degrade total rate LDL.
2. Bean of Walnuts
Various study show, consist of walnut many unsatiated fat acid duplicate (acids fatty polyunsaturated) which can make vein to be elastic and healthy. Almond have also benefit in degradation of cholesterol after consumed four weeks
3. Fish and fat acid of omega-3
Researching into many supporting benefit consume fish in degrading cholesterol because of fish rich omega-3. Omega-3 also support heart by degrading blood pressure and depress risk coagulation of blood.
4. Olive Oil
Olive oil is mixture of antioxidant potential able to depress cholesterol without bothering good cholesterol rate (HDL). Some researching suggest that effect of olive oil in degrading cholesterol will be more be big if you chosen extra-virgin olive oil.

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